Tips on how to save on funeral expenses

Know what kind of funeral is wanted.

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If you are pre-planning your funeral or a funeral for someone else, it is best to get the recipient's opinion on the kind of funeral service they would like

Purchase burial insurance

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Burial insurance is life insurance that helps your loved ones pay your funeral costs and debts in the event of death

Do the research and compare prices.

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The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) enforces The Funeral Rule wherein you can do comparison shopping of funeral homes and choose only the services you want

Choose immediate burial or cremation

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Many funeral homes offer basic funeral packages that don’t include funeral viewing, averaging $2,300, not including the casket.

Opt for a simple wake and funeral service

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If you don’t want to bypass a wake and funeral service, keeping it simple is the best way to save on funeral expenses

Consider donating your body for science

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Registering your intent to donate your body for science and medical research is a way to save costs on funeral expenses and also contribute to society.